This lesson is in the early stages of development (Alpha version)

Raspberry Pi and Arduino: Glossary

Key Points

  • Arduinos are very simple devices for physical computing.

  • Arduinos are at the center of a universe of resources for making projects.

Installing arduino-cli
  • There are graphical and command-line packages to program Arduinos

  • Arduino software uses a serial connection to program the device.

First Sketch
  • Arduino programs are called ‘sketches’ with a program file inside a directory.

  • Arduino programs have two functions: a ‘setup’ function that is run once, and a ‘loop’ function that runs forever.

Using the Breadboard
  • Breadboards allow for complex, temporary connections.

  • Pins can be turned ON or OFF.

  • Pulse Width Modulation turns pins on and off really fast.

Using Digital and Analog Pins
  • Digital pins are either HIGH or LOW while analog pins reflect a range from 0-1023.

Using Serial Connections
  • A serial connection is birectional.

  • Serial connections exchange individual bytes.

  • Higher-level functions can help parse serial input.

Using Arduino Libraries
  • Libraries can provide additional functionality, especially for hardware, but also for functionality.

Using git for Arduino programs
  • Maintain all your programming in version control.


Fully Qualified Board Name Potentiometer
A device that systematically varies resistance. Sketch
A program for the Arduino.