This lesson is in the early stages of development (Alpha version)

Raspberry Pi and General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO): Glossary

Key Points

  • Raspberry Pi supports many means of connecting to other devices.

  • The GPIO offers digital pins that can be configured for many purposes.

  • The Raspberry Pi does not have analog pins like an Arduino.

  • First key point. Brief Answer to questions. (FIXME)

  • There are 2 separate schemes, BOARD and GBM, for referring to the pins.

GPIO via Bash
  • GPIO elements appear in the Raspberry Pi file-system and can be easily inspected/modified.

Using GPIO Pins for Input
  • The GPIO only has digital pins.

Using GPIO Pins for Output
  • You can signal with digital pins.

  • Don’t try to power things with digital pins.

GPIO for serial connections
